Monday, March 17, 2008

Alanis kicks some serious booty

a few months ago i mentioned that katie got me tix for the alanis/ matchbox twenty concert. well, i was literally counting down the days because i LOVE alanis. yeah, i know that most of you are laughing right now, but seriously, the chic is kick ass. not only is she a "lyrical genius", she also is just freakin' rad!!! when she speaks you can tell that she is very articulate and that she is well educated. and for many other reasons, i just like her. anyway, the point being that we went to the concert and it was FABULOUS. she is completely crazy on stage, almost like the girl has turrets syndrome (is that how you spell it). and it is GREAT to watch, so entertaining. much to my disappointment she didn't play for as long as i would have liked, but it was still amazing. and i was not particularly stoked about the matchbox 20 thing, but actually they were good, and fun!! it was definitely a strange combo because alanis mostly sang songs from "jagged lil pill" and matchbox 20 mostly sang songs from their new album which has A LOT of songs from their 1st album... away all this to say that both of those albums were popular during my junior and senior years of high school. so listening to them with katie was a strange blast from the past. lots of memories from 10 years ago came spilling back!! dances, and hi-lo's, and zuka, and friends... strange that it was 10 years ago... time goes by fast. anyhow, the concert was GREAT (thanks k8s, it really was SOOO fun), the company was great (when you are away from a good friend for a long period of time, you forget how great it is to be around them...) and well, it was just great!!! and if you don't listen to alanis, at least occasionally, you should. especially "so called choas" & "under rug swept". im serious!


Katie said...

Good post ;) It was so nice to spend time w/ you too... good memories to add to the collection.