Thursday, August 30, 2007

this is all very new for me!!

Okay, so i am behind the curve, but i have decided to start a blog. i suppose it is mostly because i have this adorable little person in my life, who basically is my life, and i am always getting asked to send photos of her cute little face. however, i absolutely dispise getting those mass emails with a billion photos of people's ugly children who i honestly did not want to look at in the first place. so this way people can see her, and the rest of my little family, at their own time, and only if they want. no force feeding going on here. so.... that is the deal. plus, i got the most FABULOUS camera for my bday, thanks to my fabulous hubby. and well, i have this sneaking suspicioun that i might take an insane amount of photos, and will need somewhere to put them. HERE!!!